Two works Social Security (Bathroom Fridge) and Social Security (Grandma’s Cupboard) conceived during a residency at Fondation d’Entreprise Martell in Cognac in a production partenariat for the exhibition Barbe à Papa, curated by Cédric Fauq, CAPC musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux.
A melting carbonized sugar sculpture is locked in an artisanal container with thermoformed glass sides. Hidden within is a home security camera following the process of the melting caramel and the spectators trying to approach the sculpture. What’s inside Agata Ingarden’s two fridges on wheels? The Polish artist, working out flows of charred sugar that will run unceasingly for the duration of the exhibition, elaborates on the potential of the medium matter. Glass walls, molded onto the same half-spheres used to “convey” this black liquid, seem to quiver on the brink of implosion.
– Cédric Fauq
Social Security (Bathroom Fridge), 2022
stainless steel, steel, thermoformed window glass, glass, safety glass doors, home security camera, carbonized sugar, outdoor lamp, movement sensor, cables, wheels, handmade filigree glass piece by Laetitia Andrighetto and Jean-Charles Miot
Installation view of the group exhibition Barbe à Papa, curated by Cédric Fauq, CAPC musée d’art contemporain
de Bordeaux, Bordeaux
left and right:
Social Security (Grandma’s cupboard), 2022
stainless steel, steel, thermoformed window glass, glass, safety glass doors, home security camera, carbonized sugar, outdoor lamp, movement sensor, cables, wheels, handmade filigree glass piece by Laetitia Andrighetto and Jean-Charles Miot